COVID-19   Quarantine  And  Isolation

 Quarantine or Isolation

Quarantine is for those who may have been exposed to the virus, while isolation is to keep someone who is infected away from others.

Who Needs To Quarantine?

Those who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. You are considered to be in close contact if: –  You were within 6 feet of someone who has tested positive for 15 minutes or more – You had direct physical contact(such as hugging or kissing) –  You were drinking and eating from the same source – You were exposed to the person’s sneeze, cough, or other droplets. – In any of these cases, you should quarantine for 14 days after first being exposed to a person with COVID-19.

You Just Tested Positive For COVID-19. Now What?

Asymptomatic people or  those with mild symptoms can isolate themselves at home. For those experiencing severe symptoms, seek emergency care immediately. 

How To Isolate At Home?

– Avoid contact with other household members. Stay separated from others by staying in a different room. – Don’t share personal household items such as plates, cups, etc. – Monitor your symptoms. If there are any concerning signs, seek urgent care immediately. – Wear a mask when you need to be around others.

When Can You Be Around Others?

If you've had COVID and had no symptoms, you can be around others after 10 days since you were first tested positive.  If you had symptoms, you can be around others after 10 days since symptoms first appeared.  For those who had to quarantine, you can end quarantine after 14 days with no symptoms. If symptoms appear after 14 days of quarantine, you should self-isolate. 

There are options to shorten your quarantine, but it all depends on your healthcare provider and the condition in your area.

Not everyone needs to be tested to decide when they can be around others. Talk to your healthcare provider.